Ferry Field

Outdoor and Indoor Workouts

New this year: All weekly interval workouts, indoor and outdoor, are free for members!  $10 for non-members. No registration required.

The AATC offers short and intense interval workouts, led by experienced coaches. Total distance of the hard part of the intervals is typically about 3 miles (5 km), except during October we run a few 10 km workouts. Workouts are geared toward adults, but anyone high school age and up is welcome to participate. We encourage high school and younger runners to consider the Youth Program managed by the YMCA as their primary training option.

The outdoor season extends through Tuesday October 29, 2024 and workouts take place on the 400 meter track at Ferry Field in Ann Arbor. The indoor season will begin Wednesday November 6, 2024 on the 300 meter track in the Lincoln Athletic Building south of Ypsilanti. See below for scheduled workouts and additional details.

We look forward to running with you!

Time & Location

Outdoor Workouts

Outdoor workouts start at 6:30 pm, individuals warm-up on their own before 6:30 p.m.

UM Ferry Field, 1150 State Street, off of State Street south of Hoover.

Indoor Workouts:

Doors open at 6:30pm (please don’t enter before that)

Indoor workouts start at 7:00 pm, individuals warm-up on their own before 7:00 pm

Lincoln Athletic Building (LAB), 7267 Willis Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197

How to Join Us

We are excited to announce that for the first time, indoor workouts will be free for AATC members! Non-members may join a workout for $10 (cash) if they want to try a workout before deciding whether to join the club.

To become a member, click here.


For questions, contact coach Jun (junzhaomichigan…at…gmail.com) or coach Stani (sbohac..at..umich.edu).

Date Outdoor Workout Description (Ferry Field in Ann Arbor) Comments
10/1/2024 3x1600m; 400m jog
10/8/2024 2x1600m, 4x800m, 8x400m; 400m jog after 1600s and 800s, 200m jog after 400s Start of 10k workouts
10/15/2024 Michigan (full): 1600m, 1200m, 800m, 400m with 1600m tempo on state between each interval*
10/22/2024 6x1600m; 400m jog
10/29/2024 12x800m; 400m jog
Date Indoor Workout Description (LAB in Ypsilanti) Comments
Nov 6 1500m, 2x900m, 3x600m; 300m jog (ladders) Start of long distance interval block
Nov 13 10x900m; teams of 2, one partner runs while the other waits (partners)
Nov 20 3x1500m; 300m jog (repeats)
Nov 27 1200m, 2x800m, 2x600m, 2x400m; 400m jog (ladders)

Special outdoor workout at Ferry Field with cider and pumpkin pie!

Start of middle distance interval block; Outdoors at Ferry Field
Dec 4 16x600m; teams of 2, one partner runs while the other waits (partners) (reverse)
Dec 11 4x1200m; 300m jog (repeats)
Dec 18 Alternating 300’s (e.g., 60-70s, 65-75s, 70-80s); max 10 (alternating hard-tempo)
Dec 25 No workout
Jan 1 No workout
Jan 8 5x900m; 300m jog (repeats)
Jan 15 2x900m, 2x600m, 5x300m; 300m jog (ladders) Start of short distance interval block
Jan 22 10x300m/600m + 10x600m/300m; teams of 2 (partners)
Jan 29 8x600m; 300m jog (repeats)
Feb 5 Team pursuit intervals with teams of two; alternating run and walk; alternate on 2nd pass; 30 min (partners) (reverse)
Feb 12 (300m, 300m, 600m)x4; 300m jog (ladder workout), followed by 4x300m Rose Relay

Bring a date for free (optional)!

Non-alcoholic craft cocktails and pizza after workout

Rose Relay!
Feb 19 AATC Mini Meet: 1600m, 200m, 800m, 60m, 4x300m Relay; no regular workout or free running; register with RunSignUp Mini Meet
Feb 26 Paceline run: 4x1200m, 300m jog (partners) Start of Potpourri interval block
March 5 4x900m (300m jog), 4x300m (150m jog) (ladders)
March 12 Team pursuit intervals with teams of three; all three jog one lap slow in outside lane, then one runner moves to lane one and runs fast while the other two continue to jog slow in the outside lane, when fast runner catches the two, pass baton to one of them, continue for 40 min (partners)

E.g., runner A might do 600m fast at 6 min pace, then 2x300m slow at 12 min pace

March 19 900m tempo, 1500m time trial, 900m jog (tempo-time trial-jog) (time trial)
March 26 Square peg into round hole workout: 10x400m, 200m jog (repeats)

Additional Information

All fees are subsidized by the Track Club. To join or learn about our membership, visit the Membership page!