Rose Relay
The second annual Rose Relay was on February 13, 2024!
We call it the “the healthiest, cheapest and maybe most fun Valentine’s date ever.” Join us next year as a participant or volunteer!
Rose Relay is free for Tuesday Workout season pass holders and otherwise $10 (date is free), which includes the race, pizza and craft mocktails!

Annual Meeting and Dinner
Our annual meeting and social event this year will be on Sunday, November 17, 5:30 – 8:30 pm at HOMES on Jackson Rd, catered by the incomparable Frita Batidos! Ping pong, cornhole and other fun activities will be available. Celebrate yourselves, the Club and fellow runners. $15/member; $10/child under 12; $30/non-member (including partners/spouses). Believe us: This is a deal – so feel free to join the Club just to come!